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Board Meetings
Chief John Kimmel
Division President
Marengo FRD
Asst. Chief Don Davidson
Division Vice-President
Marengo FRD
Chief Brendan Parker
Chief Brad Delatorre
Division Secretary
Woodstock FRD
Division Treasurer
Cary FPD
2025 Board Meeting Documents & Schedule
Please click on the links below to open the corresponding PDF documents. Previous year documents are available upon request.
The Illinois Open Meetings Act (OMA) (5 ILCS 120/1) provides the people of the State of Illinois with the right to be informed as to the conduct of public business. The OMA declares that it is the intent of the Act that public bodies take action (vote) in open meetings, and that public bodies deliberate openly. According to the OMA, citizens are to be given advance notice of and the right to attend all meetings at which any business of a public body is discussed or acted upon. There are exceptions to the public’s right to attend meetings, but the exceptions are strictly construed and limited to those situations delineated in the statute. 5 ILCS 120/1.
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